Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bakery - Sacramento

Mahoroba Japanese Bakery

Address: 4900 Freeport Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone:(916) 454-1879

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Is Collaboration Overstated? Two Articles on the Office Management Front

Whoever thought an open floor plan or low cube walls was a good idea?  A lot of people, apparently.  It's as if somehow, a cube wall prevented collaboration, that workers couldn't get past that barrier.

Not only that, the idea that groups produce better results than individuals, is suspect.

It's time to rethink the office, not only because of the above, but also the shift from long term, permanent employment to wide-scale, free-lance employment.  See Accenture's "Rise of the Extended Workforce," Princeton's "Decline of Worker-Firm Attachment," the Aspen Institute's "Future of Work."  A short book that explains the underlying factors in the trend: "Race Against the Machine."

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Some mind mapping tools

Text2Mindmap simple and easy to use; allows you to outline your ideas and draw a map from indented text.  Bit limited (no notes, links, cross-node links)

Coggle - requires Google login.  Allows drag and drop of formatted (indented) text to create a map.  Seems limited (no notes, links, cross-node links)

WiseMapping - free, seems pretty full featured; no apparent limits.

Mindmeister - limited to three maps for free account.  Revert change requires premium account